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BD BD Culture Swab CultureSwab EZ Sterile

$1.42 / Each
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BD CultureSwab EZ Sterile Specimen Collection Swab

The BD CultureSwab EZ is a self-contained, sterile specimen collection system designed for the easy transport and maintenance of viable microorganisms. This ready-to-use collection device simplifies the process of specimen handling, making it ideal for healthcare professionals. The system incorporates one or two polyurethane-tipped swabs attached to plastic shafts, securely placed within a cap that fits into a tube for safe and sterile transport.

The BD CultureSwab EZ provides an efficient solution for specimen collection and ensures the integrity of the collected sample for laboratory analysis.

Key Features

  • Self-contained, ready-to-use specimen collection system.
  • Incorporates polyurethane-tipped swabs on plastic shafts for durability and precision.
  • Ensures sterile collection and transport of viable microorganisms.
  • Designed for easy transport and maintenance of samples.
  • Comes with one or two swabs for flexible usage.

The BD CultureSwab EZ system is a reliable and effective tool for specimen collection, offering convenience and precision for healthcare professionals in maintaining sample integrity during transport.

BD is a trusted name in medical technology, known for delivering high-quality specimen collection and transport systems for laboratory and clinical use.

  • Quantity : 1 Each
  • Application: Culture Swab
  • Material: Polyurethane, Foam
  • Sterile : Yes
  • UNSPSC Code: 41104116
  • UNSPSC Title : Swab collection or transport containers

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Prescription Information

A valid medical prescription must be submitted to Betty Mills within seven (7) days for the ordered item(s), and shipping will be on hold until the prescription is received. If the prescription is not provided within this timeframe, the order may be canceled. This requirement does not apply to licensed care providers, training facilities, equivalent qualified professionals, or licensed wholesalers, who are exempt from this policy.

Prescriptions may be sent via:

(650) 443-5201
The Betty Mills Company, Inc.
19 South B Street Suite 8
San Mateo, CA 94401

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