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Port of Missions Outreach Ministries

We provide food, clothes and furniture transportation cards, lodging vouchers to homeless individuals and people in need. Our Outreach Ministries, get many calls from organizations and the American Red Cross, referring clients to our organization for food and due to house fires these individuals are starting over. We also have weekly walk-ins and we provide them with housing and other services and resources that’s available to help people get back on their feet.

Michelle Trotter

3975 N 78th St, Ste 1
Milwaukee, WI 53222
(414) 395-8626

What we need most

Bottle water, Energy Bars, Pasta, Soups, Rice, Beans, cereals, tuna packages or can, mayonnaise, healthily snacks, soup, personal care products, combs, toothbrush, toothpaste, lotions, deodorants shampoo, conditioner, toilet paper feminine products, diapers, men and women razors, hand sanitizers disinfectant wipes, bandaids socks.

Port of Missions Outreach Ministries is a non-profit organization.

Get involved today by enrolling your shelter.