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Twin City Mission

The Doug Weedon Shelter for Hope is the anchor of the Homeless Services arm of Twin City Mission and was the original focus of the mission at its inception in 1963. The shelter provides emergency housing for any man, woman or family regardless of their race, gender, ethnicity or religion. Our staff works hard to identify each individual's needs and formulate a plan to get each one into more permanent housing. Our Shelter staff seeks to restore a person's health (mental and physical), rebuild a sense of dignity and prepare them to meet the challenges that they will face when they leave the shelter. Our Shelter is there for those who have few options, to provide for the most basic needs; food, shelter, laundry supplies and personal hygiene products.​

Donations Administrator

410 S. Randolph Ave.
Bryan, TX 77803

What we need most

-Rice -Sugar (white granulated) -Beans (any - we use a lot of pinto) -Pastas (Macaroni, spaghetti, egg noodles) -Snack foods (fruit bars, fruit cups, energy bars, snack cakes) - #10 cans of vegetables, sauces (ex: spaghetti sauce), or fruit - Bottled water

Twin City Mission is a non-profit organization.

Get involved today by enrolling your shelter.