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Good Shepherd Mission

Good Shepherd Mission consistently serves over 680 households in Walker County via our Food Bank Program and another 300 plus individuals through the Meal Site Program serving twice daily to this community. We distribute over 120 tons of food annually locally. Our Shelter Ministry Program has over 1,100 bed uses each month in our 72 bed facilities for Men, Women, Single Parents and Families. We give out over 60,000 articles of clothing, coats, and shoes each year. We help folks in Local Natural Disasters and Man-Made ones. We provide counseling and referrals and Celebrate Recovery Programs. We help change lives for GOOD. This is a 35-year-old Faith Based Ministry Charity. We are kind like Red Letter Christians… and an ECUMENICAL Christian Ministry with local Huntsville, TX Church members serving on the Board.

Dave Smith

1005 Martin Luther King Dr
PO Box 7281
Huntsville, TX 77320

What we need most

We need larger cans for feeding 50 meals twice a day, everyday. Energy Bars are great for working clients. Dry beans or lentils of all types along with rice is great. We have limited, yet significant freezer space for frozen veggies and meats. Tea and coffee is needed as is Paper goods such as towels and TP.

Good Shepherd Mission is a non-profit organization.

Get involved today by enrolling your shelter.