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Milwaukee Rescue Mission

The Milwaukee Rescue Mission (MRM) serves men, women, and children in Milwaukee who struggle with homelessness and poverty. Our mission statement says: “Sharing God’s love by caring for those who are poor in body, mind and spirit, to see lives transformed through Christ to hope, joy and lasting productivity.” MRM meets basic needs (meals, shelter and clothing), and offers transformative programs that give neighbors in need a chance at a fresh start. Our recovery programs include education, job training, addiction recovery, mentoring and life-skills classes. MRM also provides at-risk children with a quality K4-12 education and equips struggling families in the community with skills and resources to achieve stability. From our early childhood care to career-focused high school to adult transformation programs, the Milwaukee Rescue Mission offers support from cradle to career.

Rick Mayer

830 N. 19th St
Milwaukee, WI 53233

What we need most

Rice, pasta, boxed cereal, oatmeal, canned goods (peas, carrots, corn), gravy, soup, grits, pancake/baking mixes, peanut butter and jelly, granola bars, kid-friendly snacks

Milwaukee Rescue Mission is a non-profit organization.

Get involved today by enrolling your shelter.