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Medline Aneroid, Premier, Guage Only

$27.44 Each
In Stock

Aneroid Premier Gauge Only by Medline

Discover the Medline Aneroid Premier Gauge Only, crafted for precision and reliability. This high-quality gauge is designed to provide accurate blood pressure readings, ensuring healthcare professionals can trust their equipment from patient to patient.

  • Tested above government standards for accuracy, calibration, and longevity.
  • Commitment to quality ensures consistent performance.
  • Ideal for healthcare environments requiring dependable measurement tools.

Produced by Medline, a trusted name in medical supplies, this gauge reflects the brand's dedication to excellence and innovation in healthcare solutions.

  • Quantity : 1 Each

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A valid medical prescription must be submitted to Betty Mills within seven (7) days for the ordered item(s), and shipping will be on hold until the prescription is received. If the prescription is not provided within this timeframe, the order may be canceled. This requirement does not apply to licensed care providers, training facilities, equivalent qualified professionals, or licensed wholesalers, who are exempt from this policy.

Prescriptions may be sent via:

(650) 443-5201
The Betty Mills Company, Inc.
19 South B Street Suite 8
San Mateo, CA 94401

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