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Ameda Breast Milk Storage Bag Ameda Cool 'N' Carry Black, 7.20 X 6.18 X 5.50 Inch

$44.48 Each
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  • Safely stores breast milk for up to 10 hours
  • Easy-to-clean insulated tote stores up to 6 bottles
  • Easily transport milk to care provider or home from work
  • In addition to the insulated tote, this Ameda Cool 'N' Carry Milk Storage Tote includes six 4-ounce breast milk storage bottles with lock-tight sealing lids, three cooling packs and breast milk storage guidelines

  • Application : Breast Milk Storage Bag
  • Brand : Ameda Cool 'N' Carry
  • Specifications : Black, 7.20 X 6.18 X 5.50"

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A valid medical prescription must be submitted to Betty Mills within seven (7) days for the ordered item(s), and shipping will be on hold until the prescription is received. If the prescription is not provided within this timeframe, the order may be canceled. This requirement does not apply to licensed care providers, training facilities, equivalent qualified professionals, or licensed wholesalers, who are exempt from this policy.

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(650) 443-5201
The Betty Mills Company, Inc.
19 South B Street Suite 8
San Mateo, CA 94401

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