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Fabrication Enterprises Anatomical Model - Functional Knee Joint

$196.20 Each
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Functional Knee Joint Model - Enhance Your Understanding of Knee Anatomy

This functional knee joint model is an essential tool for a comprehensive demonstration of the anatomy and mechanics of the knee joint. Ideal for improving doctor-patient or teacher-student interactions, this life-size model offers full flexibility to illustrate movements such as abduction, anteversion, retroversion, and internal/external rotation.

Expertly crafted, the knee joint comprises portions of the femur, tibia, and fibula, along with the meniscus, patella, and quadriceps tendon. Key ligaments like the ACL and PCL are also included to provide a realistic and detailed educational experience.

  • Life-size and fully flexible model
  • Realistic demonstration of knee joint movements
  • Includes femur, tibia, fibula, meniscus, patella, and critical ligaments
  • Comes with a removable stand for easy demonstration

Designed with precision, this high-quality anatomy model is a product of 3B Scientific, a leader in anatomical models, and is manufactured by Fabrication Enterprises. This model's dimensions are 5.2"L x 14.2"W x 5.6"H, making it an ideal addition to any educational or medical setting.

  • Dimensions : 5.2"L x 14.2"W x 5.6"H

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